Getting theMISSION off the ground is like riding an Apollo rocket to the moon.  Tons of thrust & force is necessary.  Some of the biggest dangers are in the early rocket stages.  Once launched & leaving earth’s atmosphere, the journey is just beginning.

theMISSION became a self-governing church in April.  We’ve progressed from seed to sprout, from bud to blossom.  A church plant is now a church.

I was telling a friend about graduation…

  • The growth & success we’ve seen
  • How the Holy Spirit is working in & through us

I was excited, even a little braggadocios.  Then, he asked me, “What changes?”  I don’t think he gave the question much thought.  I don’t think he was trying to shut me up.  His question was the natural response of friend interested in what we were doing…he stopped me in my tracks.

The truth is nothing changes.

  1. Jesus is Lord
  2. The church is the body of Christ
  3. Our calling is to make disciples of Jesus

For the next couple days that question, what changes, kept bugging me.

So many people have worked so hard to make theMISSION a reality.  We need to know we’ve accomplished something.  Everyone deserves some kudos.  The last four years have been exhilarating, faith-stretching & hard.  Personally, I’d like to take my foot off the gas.

The journey has taught me so much.

  • Pastors don’t plant churches – the Holy Spirit does
  • Nobody starts a church alone – theMISSION is full of people who love Jesus & love to serve
  • When in doubt, pray
  • When what to do is obvious, stop praying & do it
  • Setting mouse traps might be part of the job description

My favorite lesson is the mouse traps.  Everything else they teach you or tell you at some point along the way.  But seriously, who prepares for Sunday by clearing the sanctuary of critters on Saturday.

So, now what changes?

In a word, nothing.  And maybe, just maybe, that’s the most important lesson.

  • Church planting isn’t a goal, it’s a process
  • Becoming like Jesus takes a lifetime

The last four years we wanted to love people well.  We wanted to help people, listen to them, get to know them, and invite them to join us in following Jesus.  We wanted to love well.

The next four years must be exactly the same.

With thanksgiving in Christ,

Ron Smith