We are studying Jesus’ parables, which often force the hearer (reader) to make a decision.

  1. Will I trust in my own strength, influence, money, and brains?
  2. Or will I trust Jesus even when it feels like I’m being overrun by troubles?

It is easy to say I trust Jesus (as I read this), but the trials of life draw me back towards power, money & influence like tropical depressions growing into hurricanes as they cross the Atlantic.  It’s Hurricane Season again.

Jesus can use parables to intentionally make us uncomfortable.  He begins Luke 16 with the parable of the Dishonest Manager, “There was a rich man who had a manager, and charges were brought to him that this man was wasting his possessions.”  This man will soon be faced with a real crisis of decision.

We do not gather to avoid our problems or tough decisions.  We meet in Chirstian love and fellowship to help us stay faithful through our trials and temptations.

Join us (or not) September 1st as we take a deep dive into this manager’s fate.  Click here to learn more about what Friday’s look like.