Jesus famously says, “No one can serve two masters…You cannot serve God and money.”  Here’s what’s so special about this quote:

  1. Everybody knows it’s true.
  2. We mostly assume Jesus is talking about the ‘other’ guy.

I listen to podcasts now like I used to listen to the radio.  One of my regulars has the tagline: prosperity with purpose.  It’s a show by committed Christ-followers on how to build a successful business.  Wha-La…prosperity with purpose.

I’m still waiting for the poverty with purpose show.

It’s like we have three doors to choose from.  Prosperity.  Poverty.  Purpose.  And, its’ like we get to choose from two of the three doors.  No brainer on that choice; poverty doesn’t get picked for my kickball team.

But maybe, just maybe, the question isn’t “pick all that apply from the list: prosperity, poverty, purpose.”  Maybe, the question is “pick one.”

I am resigning from my long-standing (30 years long-standing) chemical sales job on June 30th

  • Now, this doesn’t mean we’re on our way to the poor house.
  • It doesn’t mean we don’t have health care or a 401(K).

It means I must surrender something to my Lord I’ve held tightly on to for the last 30 years.

My name is Ron Smith & I’m a lover of money.

There, I said it.  Got it out in the open and admitted publically what I’ve known on the inside.  I’m not sure now if I need 12 steps or a drink.

I can’t fully explain how I came to love money, but here’s a list of contributing factors.

  • I’m hard-wired to be frugal. Spend less than you earn long enough & you will become rich.
  • My Dad bounced around orphanages as a kid. That effected how he handled money, which was passed on to me.
  • When the bills are paid & some money is saved I feel in control. I like feeling in control.
  • I’ve succumb to the daily bombardment of messaging that equates success with wealth.

Plus, there are other factors.  What or who is on your list?

That’s the diagnosis; now the cure.

Jesus also famously said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness…”

He said this right after the warning about money.  In fact, the word ‘therefore’ stands between the quotes.  They are connected.  They are one train of thought.

Officially, I am quitting my day job (you know, the one that pays better) so I can focus on Kingdom building.  My employer has been very cooperative and given me tremendous flexibility, but I have reached a tipping point where I can’t do both jobs well.  Something has to change.

Prosperity.  Poverty.  Purpose.  Pick one?

It’s been very hard to let go.

By the grace of the Holy Spirit, I’m also reaching a tipping point in my heart even as I reached the tipping point at work.  I am excited to see what happens next.  I wasn’t always excited.  Frankly, I was worried…you know the doubts that go through your head & heart as you make big life changes with no turning back.

I will follow-up soon with several reasons why I’m so hopeful.

In the meantime, please pray this transition goes smoothly.  I want to honor my employer (finish well) and provide for my family (carry on).  Please also pray the Holy Spirit equips me to be much better at making disciples of Jesus.

Thank you, seriously, thank you for everything!

Ron Smith, Pastor of theMISSION Church